Thursday, November 20, 2008

WISDOM sponsors Rabbi Brad Hirschfield at the Jewish Center's Book Fair

WISDOM was one of the co-sponsors of the Sunday evening, November 16th ,2009 Jewish Community Center Book Fair presentation by interfaith activist Rabbi Brad Hirschfield, author of You Don't Have to Be Wrong for Me to Be Right. WISDOM held a Pre-Glow in the former Milk and Honey Restaurant and about 40 WISDOM interfaith supporters nibbled on Middle Eastern appetizers, veggies, fruit and brownies while chatting amongst themselves.

Following the Pre-Glow Imam Salie made some very passionate remarks about reaching out to include other religions to increase respect and understanding, and then introduced Rabbi Brad Hirschfield. The Rabbi spoke for an hour to a mesmerized crowd of people about how he has reached across boundaries, not to dilute those boundaries or differences, but to love that particularity and the full human experience. He stressed how we all need to heal polarizations, and to turn faith from generating hatred to being part of the solution. He remarked that what's so crucial is not the things we say to each other, but the things that we don't say.

What a wonderful and inspirational interfaith evening!! Please see some of the photos below that were taken that evening!!

Gail Katz
WISDOM President

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